I spent eight days hopping from city to city in Italy. Amidst one of the hottest summers on record, I still found myself most inspired by the vibrant outdoor living and architecture.
Aside from delicious pizza and fresh wine, one story in particular sticks with me the most.
On the train ride from Pisa to Florence, we were caught in a wildfire crossing Northern Italy. The train station shut down and we found ourselves stranded in a small town with 1 hotel, no available rooms and no way out.
We made friends in the miserable heat with an equally sweaty couple from Belgium, and hitched a ride from a taxi number found on Google. As it turned out, it was the son of the taxi driver who answered the phone and then drove 30 minutes to take us all the way to Florence just to help us out in the heat...and he even took the scenic route.
Listening to his favorite Italian Pop, he sang to us, windows down through the rolling hills of Tuscany. That's on the luck of good people and a little music.
Ciao Italy! We will be back.